Consequently, throughout the world the pipes have been taken up enthusiastically by peoples of all cultural backgrounds who have become intrigued by the instrument, its music and the traditions and history of piping.
Piping now flourishes within a global community that connects people in every continent and creates wonderful opportunities for pipers to travel, make friends, perform and continually learn about music in many forms.
Step 1 of this tutor book is where your journey and your learning begin. As with any new activity you will have fun and enjoyment but there will also be times when you will struggle and will need to persevere to move on to the next level. However, the effort will definitely be worthwhile.
The aim of Step 1 of this book is to provide the complete beginner with an aid to learning the fundamentals of playing the Highland Bagpipe. It may be possible to learn from the book without taking formal structured lessons but it should be stressed that, as in the learning of any musical instrument, the value of regular advice from a competent and skilled teacher cannot be overestimated.
It is essential that you practise each exercise and the tunes rigorously and that equal attention is given to the exercises as to the tunes.
Speed of progression from the chanter to the bagpipes will vary from student to student and will depend on a number of factors, not least, the amount of time spent practising. As an approximate guide, you should aim to have mastered about 7 or 8 simple tunes on the chanter before any of these could be attempted on the pipes.
Now it’s up to you. Practise hard, listen carefully and you will find a world full of new possibilities waiting for you.