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Scots Guards Volume 1
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Scots Guards Volume 1
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This, the most well known compilation of pipe music, contains over 200 tunes and a brief profile of the regiment. It is a "must have" collection.
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Tunes in the first collection in alphabetical order:
A man's a man for a' that. Abercairney Highlanders. All the Blue Bonnets are over the Border. Atholl and Breadalbane Gathering. Atholl Highlanders. Atholl Highlanders march to Loch Katrine. Australian Ladies. Back of Benachie. Balkan Hills. Ballochyle. Balmoral Highlanders. Barren Rocks of Aden. Battle of Killiecrankie. Black Bear. Bonawe Highlanders. Bonny Ann. Bonny Dundee. Brigadier M D Erskine. Brose and Butter. Brothers Three. Bugle Horn. Campbell's Farewell to Redcastle. Captain Craig Brown. Captain M G Bax. Captain Norman Orr Ewing. Captain P Leng. Charles Edward Hope Vere. Colonel Robertson. Colonel Sinclair. Corn Rigs are Bonny. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Corriechoillie's Welcome to the Northern Meeting. Crags of Stirling. Craig-n-Darroch. The Crisis. Daft Donald. Dr MacLeod of Alnwick. Donald Blue. Donald Cameron. Donald Fraser. Dovecote Park. The Drunken Piper. Duke of Roxburghe's Farewell to the Blackmount Forest. Earl of Mansfield. Edinburgh Volunteers. Farewell to the Creeks. G Company's Welcome to Kuala Kubu Bahru. Glendaruel Highlanders. Glengarry Gathering. Greenwood Side. Happy we've been together. Haughs of Cromdale. Highland Brigade at Tel-el-Kebir. Highland Laddie. Highland Wedding. Hills and Waters of Penang. Hills of Glenorchy. Hills of Kowloon. Hortense's Welcome to Edinburgh Castle. Hot Punch. I am a young man that lived with my mother. Inverness Gathering. Jenny's Bawbee. Jenny's Black E'e. Jim McBay's Welcome. John Mackenzie's Farewell to Strathglass. John Morrison Esq of Assynt House. Johnny Cope. Kenmure's up and awa Willy. King George V's Army. Lady Dorothea Stewart Murray. Laird of Luss. Leaving Glenurquhart. Leaving Port Askaig. Lonach Gathering. Lord Alexander Kennedy. Louise Munro Ross. Lt Col A E Cameron of Aldourie. Lt Col P Fane Gladwin's greetings to Dunans. MacDonald's March to the Wars. Major Alex Greenwood. Major John Macrae DSO of Feoirlinn. Marchioness of Tullibardine. Midlothian Pipe Band. Monte Catarelto. Mrs Pat Maclaren. Mucking of Geordie's Byre. Murray's Welcome. My love she's but a lassie yet. My Native Highland Home. Nut Brown Maiden. Parker's Welcome to Perthshire. Piobaireachd of Donald Dhu. PM Evan Macrae. Plains of Tuscany. Portree Bay. Portree Men. Raasay House. Rachel Dorothy Cunningham. Road to the Isles. Rock and the wee pickle tow. Scotland the Brave. Scots Guards departure for Egypt. Scots Guards farewell to South Africa. Scots Guards march through Jerusalem. Scots Guards welcome back to their old name. Shanghai's farewell to the Scots Guards. Siege of Delhi. Sweet Maid of Glendaruel. Tercentenary of the Scots Guards. Teribus. White Sands of Mersa Matruh. Wooed and married and a'. 1st Batt Scots Guards farewell to Cyprus. 1st Batt Scots Guards farewell to Southampton. 2nd Batt Scots Guards farewell to Malaya. 2nd Batt Scots Guards farewell to Singapore. 24th Guards Brigade at Anzio. 32nd Guards Brigade. 71st Highlanders. 79th Farewell to Gibraltar. Arniston Castle. Aspen Bank. Athole Cummers. Balmoral Castle. Because he was a bonny lad. Blair Drummond. Bob of Fettercairn. Braes of Mar. Braes of Tullymet. Caledonian Canal. Captain Horne. Delvinside. Devil in the kitchen. Dorrator Bridge. Fiddler's Joy. Highland Harry. Highland Whisky. J F Mackenzie Esq of Garrynahine, Stornoway. Keel Row. Lady Loudon. Lady Mackenzie of Fairburn. Lady Madelina Sinclair. Laird of Drumblair. Lord Blantyre. Loudon's bonny woods and braes. Maggie Cameron. Market Place of Inverness. Marquis of Huntly's Highland Fling. Miller of Drone. Miss Ada Crawford. Miss Drummond of Perth. Monymusk. Munlochy Bridge. Orange and Blue. Piper's Bonnet. Rose among the heather. Sandy King's Breeks. Shepherd's Crook. Stirling Castle. Struan Robertson. Tulloch Gorm. When you go to the hill take your gun. Ale is Dear. The Blackbird (Reel). Ca' the Ewes. Charlie's welcome. Clucking hen. Dancing feet. Devil among the tailors. Duke of Richmond. Duntroon. Eight men of Moidart. Fairy Dance. Flagon. Grey Bob. High Road to Linton. Jenny dang the weaver. Jock Wilson's Ball. John McKechnie. Kate Dalrymple. Kilt is my delight. Loch Carron. Lord Macdonald. Mason's Apron (Reel). Master James M Diack. Mrs Macleod of Raasay. Mrs Macpherson of Inveran. Mrs Terence Eden's Welcome to Cromlix. Over the Isles to America. Piper of Drummond. Pretty Marion. Reel of Tulloch. Rejected Suitor. Rev Alan Davidson. Sandy Cameron. Sandy Duff. Scorrybreck Falls. Sheepwife. Smith of Chillichassie. Speed the plough. Struy Lodge. Thomson's Dirk. Weary we've been. Wind that shakes the barley. Windsor Castle. Battle of the Somme. Colin's Cattle. Countess of Dysart's welcome to Edinburgh Castle. Craigmillar Castle. Dark lowers the night. Dream Valley of Glendaruel. Far over Struy. Green hills of Tyrol. Hawk that swoops on high. Heights of Dargai. Heroes of Vittoria. Kilworth Hills. Lochanside. Loch Maree. Meeting of the Waters. Macgregor of Rora. My faithful fair one. Road to Sham-Shui-Po. Shores of Argyll. Sir Colin Campbell's farewell to the Crimea. Song of the maid. Torosay Castle. When the battle is over. Youghal Harbour. Bonny Strathyre. Come ye by Atholl. Cradle Song. Flight of the Eaglets. Flowers of the Forest. Garb of Old Gaul. Hearken my Love. Herding Song. Isle of the heather. Lament for Captain T Ballantyne Dykes. Leaving Ardtornish. Leaving St Kilda. Lochaber no more. Loch Duich. Loch Etive-side. Loch Leven Castle. Loch Monar. Loch Rannoch. Mairi Bhan Og. Mist Covered Mountains. Mrs Elder's Welcome. My Home. My lodgings on the cold ground. Pride of Scotland. Skye Boat Song. Skye Gathering. Wandering Piper. Westering Home. Arlitrach. Baldooser. Barley Mow. Brae Riach. Center's Bonnet. Cork Hill. Cyprus Brandy. Drops of Brandy. Finlay Mackenzie. Goat Herd and the Sheepherd. Grumbling Carle. Jig of Slurs. John Patterson's mare. Kitchen Maid. Major Donald Struan Robertson. Minnie Hynd. Nameless Jig. Paddy's leather breeches. Red Brae. Shaggy Grey Buck. Spider and the Gaff. Ladies' Hornpipe. Londonderry Hornpipe. Salute to PM William Ross MBE
Is this a hardcover edition?
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- 12/23/2024
This edition is a soft cover.
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Jon Maffett (12/24/2024)
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